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Messages - admin

Pages: [1]
TOP 10 supercomputers in the world - 2020:

1. Fugaku, Japan
2. Summit, U.S.
3. Sierra, U.S.
4. Sunway TaihuLight, China
5. Selene, U.S.
6. Tianhe-2A, China
7. JUWELS Booster Module, Germany
8. HPC5, Italy
9. Frontera, US
10. Dammam-7, Saudi Arabia


Forum rules / Forum rules!
« on: May 12, 2021, 01:31:53 AM »
Forum rules:

1. Do not talk about illegal activities.
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4. Talk ONLY in English.

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Rules may be changed without a prior notification, so please check them from time to time.
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Pages: [1]